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Click the play button below to listen to several tracks from Hickory Wind, featuring Cheryll Kent.
Then, go to the Get Music page to purchase and download songs, right from this website!

Most of the excerpt song tracks sampled below are recent recordings from our band, Cheryll Kent and Hickory Wind. Two are included from re-release of previous albums featuring a young Cher Pine, now singing as Cheryll Kent.
Enjoy this new music and trip to the past, then purchase the tracks you wish today!

Time: (a new song by Cheryll Kent)

Precious Christmas:

Mama Loves the Old Hymns:

Two Steps Behind My Dreams:

Papa Time:

Long-Distance Romance

Lady Left Behind:

The Greatest Gift:

The two tracks following are re-releases of classic Cher Pine (Kent) recordings.
Saudio’s Kitchen:

Two Steps Behind My Dreams (Tribute CD Version):